Thursday, November 21, 2013


When attorney-turned entrepreneur, Riche Holmes Grant, asked her aunt to make special beanies for her newborn daughter, Riley Claire, Riche had no idea that the phone call would mark the birth of her new business, BambiniWare™.

“The beanies were just the beginning,” Riche says.  “Once I started thinking about all of the things that I wished I had as a new mom, but couldn’t find because they didn’t exist or didn’t fit my mommy style, there was no turning back.  I started creating the products myself.  In wee hours of the morning, when the entire house was sound asleep, I officially added ‘designer’ to my resume.  In the mornings, Riley added ‘expert product tester’ and ‘model’ to hers.”

Although Riche comes from a family of entrepreneurs, growing up, she never envisioned becoming one herself until it actually happened.  Heeding her grandfather’s last wish that she take time off and figure out what she really wanted to do with her life after graduating from Columbia Law School, Riche returned home to Maryland to explore many of the things that she never had the time or courage to try.  It was then that Riche discovered that education, not law, was the area where she could make the most impact.  In 2003, Riche founded Innovative Study Techniques (IST), which offers expert test prep, tutoring, summer enrichment and admissions consulting to students in grades 2-12.  She is still licensed to practice law (but only the fun stuff!) in New York and Maryland.

Riche and her husband, Cedric, welcomed their daughter, Riley Claire, in 2012 and their lives have been one exciting adventure after another ever since.  Riche says that Riley, who she affectionately refers to as her “boss,” encourages her daily to work harder, be smarter, create more and dream bigger because she knows that there’s a little person watching her every move. 

Burpa Bib

Burpa Collars

Riche and daughter Riley, with a Burpa sleeve!

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