Monday, April 9, 2012

Bethesda Literary Festival - Reading to Children

Let's talk about something different today!

The Bethesda Literary Festival starts April 20. Check it out - it looks like it will be a lot of fun!

Daisy Baby always carries a few fun children's books. They make great gifts, they're fun to read with your own children... and some of them are just plain cool.

So... why should you buy a book for your kids or as a gift?

According to the Family Literacy Foundation,

* Reading aloud with your children is important in preparing them for school!
* It's good bonding time.
* It'll teach them how to read a book. Yep, there's a no-brainer.
* It'll help them develop listening skills, vocabulary, memory, and critical thinking skills!
* Reading with your kids will enhance their imagination and creativity.
* They learn that reading is fun!

All pretty good reasons, right? But don't you get bored with the Cat in the Hat (not knocking Dr. Seuss here, but everyone gets bored with reading the same old thing right!?)

Well, how about:

Or the ever popular...

And let's not forget tactile books like

It doesn't always have to be the same old books - try something new and different! Actually, one of my favorites, which will be no surprise to you if you've met me, is Eco Babies Wear Green. (Yes, this is Christina again!) So come on into the shop and see what we have - for gifts or your little ones! And while you're at it, make sure you're on our mailing list - we may have a fun announcement closer to the festival!

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