Friday, September 13, 2013

Green Parenting is the Focus of JPMA Baby Safety Month 2013

It's probably time to re-introduce myself for any new readers! My name is Christina. I occasionally work in the shop, so you may see me there on weekends from time to time. I also write this blog, and do some other social media for Daisy Baby and Kids. In addition, I sometimes take write for other companies and independently. I also work as a birth and postpartum doula and childbirth educator. All of this is part-time, because I have two small children who call me Mom, and whose lives and schedules go first! In addition, the topic of Green Parenting is near and dear to my heart - my son's birth inspired me to ditch the chemicals in our household - cleaners, foods, disposable products, everything. Without further ado, here's today's topic...

The Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) is pretty big stuff in our business. They're the folks who promote the safe use of baby products (they actually have a safety certification), they provide resources and help to educate consumers and baby stores alike about the safety standards in baby products.

This month is Baby Safety Month for JPMA, and this year they're focusing on Green Parenting with their campaign "Green is the new Pink and Blue!" In honor of this topic, I went straight to the source to gather some green parenting advice for you - green parents!

"Just know what you're exposing your children to. Knowledge is the base of green parenting." -Amber

"Knowledge is key - my take is that you need to read, research, think, and decide for yourself. Conventional knowledge and accepted social norms are not meant to encourage thinking outside the box, which is how you keep your family safe." -Lisa

"I love the smell of tea tree oil. It works with everything... cleaner, bum balm, shampoo, etc." -Lauren

"Start thinking about the kind of parent you want to be as soon as possible. Before you have kids, if you can. Do you want to go a natural route? Do you want to parent gently, parent by instinct, parent primally? What works for you? Think about it. Think about what you want your kids to learn. Do you want them to know how to take care of the planet? Then show them." -Christina

So, what do you do instead of harmful chemicals? There are many different ways to change up your routine to be more healthy! Ditch the 409. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a bottle (add a few drops of essential oil for scent and extra cleaning power if you'd like - lavender, tea tree, and lemongrass work well) and use that as a general cleaner. Ditch the paper towels - use kitchen towels instead, or "unpaper" towels. Flour sack towels work particularly well for "paper towel" duties! Ditch the diapers full of chemicals - cloth is easy and cute. And my favorite? Stop using prepared foods and prepare your own - this one is time consuming, but it can make a very big difference in your health!

What are your suggestions for "going green"? What products have you switched to a non-toxic alternative?

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