Friday, August 23, 2013

Positive Parenting News

I'm not talking about "positive parenting" (but if you haven't heard of it, google it - it actually is positive!). I'm talking about news for parents that is happy. We're constantly bombarded with a litany of awful things in our news - which has a variety of causes, of course, but it can certainly be disconcerting - even depressing. It's not exactly easy to find the "good stuff" amidst all that - so I've been on a mission to find some for you.

How about the Roots of Empathy program - an elementary school model designed to teach children compassion? That is pretty cool, if you ask me.

Or Rowan O'Neill, who saved a choking baby's life in Australia - a perfect stranger, who saw an immediate need and filled it? That little girl lives because of one man's doing what needed to be done. Amazing.

Antoinette Tuff prevented a mass school shooting a few days ago - by being compassionate. Hope you heard about her! (Maybe she should get involved in Roots of Empathy?)

Have you heard of Little Free Library? It's a mission to promote literacy and build community... and of course recycle :) There's at least one right in our back yard, too - check out the children's garden at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton! (Picture above)

This may not sound good, but it's really quite positive - a study recently showed that a low fat diet in infants and toddlers correlates to being overweight as adults. What's good about it? We're studying what we can do with our children to make them healthier adults - and it looks like one of those things may be including healthy fats in their diet! (No, don't rush to Burger King... but maybe take a second look at avocados!)

What good news have you heard lately? What's the news for your family? Let's hear from you!

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