Saturday, January 12, 2013

Gender Reveal - What's the Deal?

Google the search term "Gender reveal ideas" and you'll get 13,500,000 results. That means a LOT of people are coming up with cute and unique ideas to reveal the sex of their baby... after that "gender ultrasound" they want to share the news in a creative way. Search Pinterest and you'll find pictures of them! Open a box filled with balloons? Check. Mystery cake? Check. Custom soda labels? Check. (Yes, really.)

So, what did our very own Dana do to share her big news with family?

Step 1: Have the ultrasound tech write the baby's sex in an envelope and seal it...

Step 2: Have a friend (Rachel, of Daisy Baby fame) do a little shopping and a little setup...

Step 3: Get your family on Skype at 11:00pm...

Step 4: It's a...
The Evans-Jones family is expecting another little girl!
Congratulations Dana, Frank, and Ever!!

Have you done a gender reveal? How did you do it, or how do you plan to?