Monday, August 20, 2012

No Bumpers for Baby? Bedding Alternatives

First, see what Dana has to say about bumpers. No, go ahead, I'll wait. Done now? What do you think? Bumpers just aren't for you? Then read on!

Whether you don't like the bumper look, aren't convinced that bumpers are the safest bedding for your child, or you just don't feel like taking them off to change crib sheets, we have alternatives for you! More and more companies are realizing that bumpers just aren't right for all parents, but they still want a unique look, and want to be able to bring more beautiful fabrics into their baby's room. In light of that, we at Daisy Baby have been searching the world, high and low, for the best bumper alternatives. We think we have a pretty good selection - so let us know what you think!

Annette Tatum has created the "Perfect fit" crib sheet - a sheet which has one fabric for the top, a different fabric for the sides, and yet a different fabric creating a ruffle or contrast welt! You can get the sweet look of an Annette Tatum crib set in one (or more...) sheet!
Annette Tatum's Perfect Fit in Bloom with a ruffle
Skip Hop makes the original "Complete Sheet" - a bumperless option that's been around a while and proven its worth. Again, they've used three different fabrics to create a look within one sheet.

Skip Hop's complete sheet - with elephants!
Pine Creek, a custom bedding company, has created yet another option for a bumperless crib - beautiful fabric crib rail guards. This option will keep your babe from testing out his incisors on his crib, too!
Wouldn't this crib rail guard look fabulous with a monogram?
And, just in case you're not yet overwhelmed with options - bumpers, no bumpers, fabulous sheets, rail guards, lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! Here's one more - this one can be used with or without a bumper! The Fabulous Emily from Wiggle and Scoot spent years (ok, perhaps hours) in conference with our own Dana and came up with a truly unique option - beautiful, colorful sheet toppers that are monogrammable and tie to the rails of your crib. These protect your sheets so that you don't have to take everything apart to change the sheet each time - and they're lovely, too!

Fun polka-dot sheet protector from Wiggle & Scoot
Do you have any other options you like for bumperless cribs? What about for the toddler years?

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas! Definitely will think about for #2! I love the bumper look but once my son started standing on it, it had to go and the crib looked so bare! Thanks for sharing, Dana!!!

    Kristin Cecchi
