Saturday, June 7, 2014

Nursery Walls

Pink? Blue? Yellow? Green? Elephants? Paisley? Your options for wall coverings in the nursery have expanded!

Safari mural on a client's wall - beautiful!

Want to do a color? A custom treatment yourself? Check out Lullaby Paints. Zero VOC, made with food safe ingredients, Lullaby Paints is known as the safest paint available. In addition, the coverage is fantastic and the colors are beautiful! We carry the paints and have 2oz sample pouches available.

Wall stickers can make a wall fun without much work - just apply right over your Lullaby Paint.
Not ready to commit to a pattern in paint? What about Tempaper? This fun, removable wall paper can make a big difference for one wall in a room, or if you're feeling daring, the whole nursery!

A Tempaper Tots Pattern

Tempaper Tots Current