There is some sort of misconception going around that after
you have a baby, you must throw away all your stylish clothes and buy
mom-jeans. You must sacrifice everything for your child, including your looks,
and if you’re not frumpy enough, you’re not doing a good enough job as a mom.
I’m not entirely sure where this comes from, but enough with the guilt over
looking good! Please, go into your closet right now. Try on your jeans. If the
waist is high, the wash is medium, and the pockets are tiny, the overall effect
being to make you look like your butt is four sizes bigger than it really is –
donate them. Or cut them up. Either way. Whew! There. Don’t you feel better
now? But now you have no jeans. Normally this might be a problem – but Mamas
Link and Daisy Baby want you out of your mom jeans, and have teamed up to make
that happen! The Girls' Night Out Fashion Bash is happening this September – come, learn how to
shed the “Bethesda Mom” look, and reclaim your image!
. . .
Keeping up with the latest in what
to wear can be a challenge. Fashion styles come and go, and beauty trends fade
in and out, but a girls night out never gets old!
Join Mamas Link and Lani Inlander of Real Life Style for a night of fun at Daisy Baby and Kids as she reveals what we should be wearing, how to pick out trends that look good on your changing body and discover this season's power shapes for the post-natal woman, new shapes for new mamas and slimming silhouettes.
Join Mamas Link and Lani Inlander of Real Life Style for a night of fun at Daisy Baby and Kids as she reveals what we should be wearing, how to pick out trends that look good on your changing body and discover this season's power shapes for the post-natal woman, new shapes for new mamas and slimming silhouettes.